Lebanese SA: Good evening George Please could you give us a summary regarding your background (you can use the following 2 points as a guideline if you wish)
1. Family :
Single but taken and have 2 beautiful daughters 7 and 11.
2. Your Bodybuilding background.
I have been involved in the bodybuilding since my early years and managed to turn pro on my first try, and because of my background in nutrition and chemistry etc… I have managed in the past 15 years to help 53 others achieving their pro status. I have trained many champions including Branch Warren, Kai Greene, Dexter Jackson, Johnny Jackson and many more to mention including South Africa‘s own professional and most improved bodybuilder of this year, Marius Dohne.
Which person(s) had the greatest influence in your life, and why?
My father because he always taught me to always reach higher in everything I do.
What (or who) influenced you in deciding on your career?
I started bodybuilding when I was a little kid, and I have entered many shows and won many, but never took it seriously until I was mugged and robbed at gun point in 1997, and after the doctor informed me that if it wasn’t for my muscles I would have been long gone. Basically my muscles is what saved my life after that I decided to give it my best and entered my first national championship and won my class and got my pro card and the rest is history.
What, in your opinion, is the main characteristic of being successful in your Profession?
I treat everyone the way that I wanted to be treated, and if my clients give me 100% you can bet that I will give them 110% in return.
What characteristic do you feel prevails in being successful in life (if different from above)?
I am very blessed, and the Lord has giving me more then I deserve, and I am very thankful for that. All what a person needs in order to be successful is to have great people around him, and thank Goodness I do ;).
Characteristic that best describes you:
Easy going, live to see others succeed.
Favorite book:
The Dinero game.
Favorite cause:
To have another chance in life.
What do you do to get relaxed from the daily pressure?Hobbies, sports…How’s your life in the USA?
I don’t go out much, but I do have a full size theater at home that I like to hang with family and friends and enjoy some good Lebanese food and a movie.
What would you say, would be the main motto of your life /beliefs.
To help others achieve their dreams one day at the time.
Economic surveys point out that a “disproportionally” number of immigrants (and their descendants) get involved in business… Among the most successful community are the Lebanese. Do you have any personal explanation / sociological point of view?
Lebanese were born to be successful, so I can’t change that. I need to keep it going ;).
Do you think the lending & credit crisis (and American / world recession) could negatively affect your investments?
Of course but my temperature is set to a certain leve,l and my thermostat will always kick back to be where I need to be ;).
What do you feel was the turning point in your life, and why?
As I explained above, getting shot made me realize how short life can be, so I need to live it to the fullest, and be the best in everything I do.
If you had your life over, would you do anything different, and why (if yes)?
No not really, like I said before I am very blessed to be where I am today, and very thankful.
Where do you see Bodybuilding going in the next 12 months?
Always striving to archive better results with all of my clients.
What would you advise the “average” person to do?
Never give up on a dream because they can come true.
What would your advise be, to the youth regardingBodybuilding ?
Take it one day at the time, and stick to it, and believe me you will be very happy you did.
Where do you see George in the next 10 years?
Just bought a nice piece of property on the ocean, in Lebanon, do the math ;).
What are your links / ties with Lebanon ? Are you involved in any foundations, associations ?
I have many athletes from Lebanon that are on my team, and it’s nice because I always have an excuse to visit the homeland and see my family, cousins etc…
Do you feel nostalgic from you homeland? As your mind returns to your childhood / adolescence (if such thing happens to you!) what do miss most?
I try not to get home sick, but whenever I have that feeling I let my secretary book me a ticket and go visit, and have some of my childhood food and that always made me feel good ;).
George, thank you very much for your time, and we at Lebanese SA which you and your Family all the best for the future.
Thank you. It is a pleasure being part of the Lebanese SA, because Lebanese do rock anywhere in the world, we are very special people ;).
George Farah